Tuesday, June 06, 2006
To Do Good...
One of the greatest secrets of planting and reaping up a harvest of righteousness is doing good. Everytime "let him show it by his good life, by deeds done [in humiliy]" (Ja.3:13). But doing good is a sacrifice. It will always involve giving on the part of the do-gooder. I love the mark of love that Mother Theresa has left for us: She said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." But when you come against a situation where you do not feel like you can give any more love, that is when you need God-love. Only He can make it possible to love like He did. In case I haven't taken my case home: serve others, put them first. It's easy to know God, you do good and forget about yourself.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Live like a Christian!
Just when we think it's all a bunch of steps in the dark we have to make, concerning the big decisions nineteen to early twenty-somethings have struggles with, it's not always so easy if you've become a "somebody" with standing, or a person who went into debt for sake of "good-times" and fun...Not even if you travel around and see places all over and have a dream home with a family who loves and cares for you. Something may look good, only to not be as good as "so and so's" or whatever life you may wish to have different than what you have. Because selfishness battles to portray happiness in a way that is more than''' more than what you have. But key to happiness is "loving what you got" as one song states it, adding more to satisfaction, yeah, that's just for overindulgence, or nausea. In a position of defeat, being single with babies or married and have to run schedules and ops you find some work for pennies or a man who is half what you want and nobody's happy. Even if you do it right you can be miserable. If there can't be hard work and hard prayer and hard waiting on God's timing and hard awareness of evil....whatever situation a young person might approach. The part I see about indecision is laziness. All that's not worth it for us. It's going to take some good collection of funds...some good strategic planning, waiting on God's timing for a love-bird of one's own to continue in ministry with. It's just time for us to pray for what you want and serve other's in whatever loving way God has shown you. Josh Harris isn't the one who's started the service-mindset, but by way of starting it fresh in our Gen-Y day...yes, we did learn these things and there's no excuse not to live them. Other's may not have seen any other choice. That is for the Christion to quit his foolishness and declare God's righteousness and love with all that God has given us for influence now. Praise God and live right!