Sunday, October 09, 2005

True Beauty

Arguments in my head were leading me into that prison of self-pity. I left my house for a break from my studying. I decided I would walk the pain away. As I was going my Jesus called to me. He said "Andrea. Andrea walk with me." He was drawing me, comforting my soul. The rain had been pouring in a small storm. When it was ended I walked down the street in tears, in anguish of heart. All of my reasonings weren't accurate, I knew. A puddle of muddy water below me, I gazed into it. The clouds were reflected in it. I looked above me and saw the real thing. Gorgeous. I looked back down at the puddle, now I saw that the reflection could not compare to the real thing. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know...." (1Cor.13:12) I was looking at my circumstance through a glass. God wanted me to see how glorious His plan for me, out of that darkness really would be.

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